
About Us

Athens V.E.T. Network

Who & What

We are a newly founded company, active in the field of Vocational Education and Training (V.E.T).

We are experienced in the field of Vocational Education and Training, we have extensive and pluriannaual experience as educators and trainers or administrative staff in VET institutions and we collaborated for years with other specialized trainers, V.E.T. hosting companies and workplaces.

We have organized, implemented, and participated in many Erasmus+ projects as a Sending Organization and have worked with diverse host organizations in European countries in order to implement these projects.

Our extensive experience and know-how bring us today to position ourselves also as a “Hosting Organization” and able to design and implement qualitative V.E.T. educational programs ensuring a successful outcome of any program, an equal allocation between educational, entertaining and cultural activities.

Some of the areas we operate:

Health Care Professions, Photography, Film making Assistant, Sound Editing, Acting, Tourism, Car Mechanics, Security Services, Cooling and Heating Systems, IT Services, Robotics Applications, Culinary Arts, and many others.

We implement qualitative V.E.T. educational programs ensuring a successful outcome of any program!